
Percussion Chop Builder Pack

By Eric Shriver

Price: $40.00$125.00

Percussion Chop Builder Pack, Samples

All percussion packs include:
  • PDFs 
  • MP3s 
  • Zip File

The Build-Up Method is available for yourself or for your entire ensemble!


Simple. Efficient. Effective.

Marching Percussion Skill Building Exercises and Audio Files. The infamous “Groove Tracks” designed to develop stronger hands, faster! Formerly known as “Skill Builder Pack”, this is the part of your chop building regime you didn’t know you were missing!


Audio tracks (26 MP3s):

  • Tap Accent Build: 9 tracks/tempos, build those 2-height chops! Can turn into an flam-invert or paradiddle build as well
  • Quick Accent: 9 tracks/tempos, works specifically upstrokes. Can also be utilized as a singles or flam build!
  • Paradiddle Build (Regular): 1 long track to break down and work paradiddles over a large tempo spectrum
  • Paradiddle Build (Advanced): Even larger tempo range!
  • Paradiddle-Diddle Build (Regular): 1 long track for Paradiddle-diddles
  • Paradiddle-Diddle Build (Advanced): If you can hang with this, you’ll be just fine
  • Tap Fives Build: Great for working tap roll spacing at a huge range of tempos
  • Flam Drag Build: Articulation 101
  • Flam Five Build: Articulation 201
  • Book Report Build: This one is tricky! This is less about the Book Reports, and more about developing control over a series of pressure changes

PDF Booklet (16 Pages)

  • Full booklet: PDF Documents outlining and explaining the format for each exercise

Upon purchase, a .zip file with all mp3 and pdfs will be sent to your provided email address!