Effective music design with the full production in mind. Our shows include sheet music, multiple mp3 options, click tracks, Mainstage Files, count sheets, and more. Everything you need to get your season off the ground today.
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Music Design Packages

Visual Design Partners

Teaching Tools and Warm Ups
Live in Technicolor! NEW!!
Grade 3 / Open Class $1,800.00 -
Eclipse NEW!!
Grade 4 / Open Class $1,800.00 -
Second Star to the Right NEW!!
Grade 3 / Open Class $1,800.00 -
Fate of the Suits NEW!!
Grade 3 / A Class $1,800.00 -
Sour Standoff New!!
Grade 3 / A Class $1,800.00 -
The Hunted NEW!!
Grade 3 / Open Class $1,800.00 -
Sýnchronos Paranoia NEW!!
Grade 4 / Open Class $1,800.00 -
To Solve A Case…
Grade 4 / Open Class $1,800.00
What Our Clients Are Saying
- “… providing a custom and achievable program that is competitive, innovative, and educational for each student regardless of ability or experience.”
Joe MillerPacifica HS
- “Front2Back’s writing is first and foremost MUSICAL in every detail. And just as important to our design and instructional team, we have ALWAYS been on-time or ahead of schedule regarding deadlines and production completion. I trust Front2Back to provide a truly amazing product, on-time, and worth every penny.”
Tom PlunkettLos Alamitos HS
- “Front2Back’s writing connected all elements - the woodwinds, brass, and percussion were integrated from the beginning. The end product was educational, entertaining, and exciting for the marching band novice, the casual audience member, the learned professional, and the experienced adjudicator.”
Evan DixonDeer Valley HS
- "Front2Back delivers quality music and show designs that provide the students with a great vehicle to be successful. Front2Back has been integral to the continued growth of our programs from year to year!"
- “It is very rare you can get a collection of design heroes of this caliber on the same team. The quality and creativity of their product is matchless. It is an instant win for you to take the guess work out of your design and get to the business of teaching with a vehicle that will showcase your students at their best. I highly recommend!”
Tony Lymon Petal HS and Carolina Crown
Who We Are
Owned and operated by Ezekiel Lanser, Eric Shriver, and Jonathan Zuniga, Front2Back Music is a west coast collective of designers and educators bringing the marching arts community championship level show design based on educational philosophies.
Their core values are represented in each and every show they design: the shows must be fun to perform, easy to teach, and entertaining to watch. Front2Back exists because our students deserve to be set up for success.