
Marching Band Shows


By Ezekiel Lanser, Jonathan Zuniga, & Eric Shriver

Price: $1,800.00
Length: 7:20
Wind Difficulty: Grade 3
Percussion Difficulty: Open Class

Dali Mvt. 1 (2:40)

Dali Mvt. 2 (2:20)

Dali Mvt. 3 (2:30)

All Front2Back shows include:
  • PDFs 
  • MP3s 
  • Mainstage Files/Samples 
  • Count Sheets 
  • Custom Instrumentation
  • Circuit Exclusivity

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Embrace absurdity this fall!

Known for the striking and bizarre images in his work, Salvador Dalí was a renowned Spanish surrealist artist. Our show embraces his absurd, almost mad, personality while allowing visual opportunities for bold, surreal interpretations. The result is an unforgettable show that will leave your audience engaged and perhaps even a bit bewildered!

Incorporating his iconic pieces, such as his infamous giant lips couch, or his beloved melting surrealist landscapes, are all possibilities to transform the field into a visual spectacle that captures your audiences imagination. The musical journey keeps things interesting and even unexpected throughout the show, aiming to keep the audience on their toes while allowing opportunities to create coordinated absurd effects!

For those willing to be a little out there and embrace their inner Dalí, this show is sure to be a favorite amongst your students, audiences, and judges alike!



  • Snares
  • Tenors
  • 6/5/4 Bass Drums
  • Marching Toms

Front Ensemble

  • 3 Marimbas
  • 2 Vibes
  • Xylophone/Crotales
  • Glock
  • 2 Synths
  • Electric Guitar
  • Drumset
  • 2 Auxiliary