Marching Band Shows

Fate of the Suits NEW!!

By Ezekiel Lanser

Price: $1,800.00
Length: 6:55
Wind Difficulty: Grade 3
Percussion Difficulty: A Class

The Fate of the Suits - Part 1
Audio Player

The Fate of the Suits - Part 2
Audio Player

The Fate of the Suits - Part 3
Audio Player

All Front2Back shows include:
  • PDFs 
  • MP3s 
  • Mainstage Files/Samples 
  • Count Sheets 
  • Custom Instrumentation
  • Circuit Exclusivity

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Grand total$1,800.00

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Welcome to the Realm of the Royals…

Welcome to the Realm of the Royals, where playing card suits come to life—living, breathing, and working in harmony under the King and Queen. Each suit plays its part in the intricate system, but when a faction breaks away, the delicate balance crumbles. Amidst the chaos, the Joker emerges as the ultimate wild card, throwing the deck into disarray with an unpredictable play for the throne.

The music, inspired by The Queen’s Gambit, sets the tone with a regal procession and builds through punchy, driving ostinatos that mirror the rising tension of the story.

Employing props that bring the card kingdom to life, this show offers endless creative opportunities to personalize and elevate your performance. Fate of the Suits is an epic adventure packed with intrigue, power struggles, and dynamism that will leave your audience on the edge of their seats.

Note: This show includes arrangements  of “Main Title (from the Queen’s Gambit)” by Carlos Rivera. Additional licensing and associated fees will apply, but we’ll handle acquiring the licensing for you. Contact us with any questions.