Indoor Percussion Shows

Lost in the Echo

By Ezekiel Lanser

Price: $1,200.00
Length: 5:30
Indoor Difficulty: Open Class

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This dark and vibey show is all about things that echo: audibly through creative writing, call and response, and sound effects; visually through coordinated moments that ripple through the ensemble; and in the form of a person whose memory echoes in our mind. This concept can further be brought to life through the use of props such as large scale pendulums that swing back and forth. Your imagination can run wild coming up with different ways to represent this concept all within a unique and exciting music package.


  • Snares
  • Tenors
  • 5 Bass Drums
  • Cymbals

Front Ensemble

  • 4 Marimbas
  • Xylo/Bells/Crotales
  • 4 Vibes
  • 2 Synth
  • Drumset
  • Aux