Sýnchronos Paranoia explores the tension between the human mind and its darker thoughts. The show follows the band as a representation of clarity and individuality, while the colorguard embodies paranoia, delusion, and obsession. As the performance unfolds, the guard gradually influences the band, blurring the line between control and chaos.
Set to Danny Elfman’s Serenada Schizophrana, the music and visuals reflect the journey from subtle unease to full-blown chaos. By the end, the band accepts its darker side, finding a way to coexist with the paranoia. Sýnchronos Paranoia is a story of transformation and acceptance, told through powerful music and movement.
Note: This show includes an arrangement of “Serenada Schizophrana” by Danny Elfman – Additional licensing and associated fees will apply, but we’ll handle acquiring the licensing for you. Contact us with any questions.