Marching Band Shows

The Summit

By Ezekiel Lanser, Ryan Anderson

Price: $1,800.00
Length: 6:30
Wind Difficulty: Grade 3
Percussion Difficulty: A Class

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The Summit is a thrilling show where the storyline is at the forefront. Stranded on a cold and frigid mountain (part 1), our performers attempt to scale the summit (part 2) only to be trapped by a blizzard and face their likely demise (part 3). They are able to pull together, overcome, and finally make it to the top in victorious triumph (part 4). The music captures each mood and is sure to have your audience shivering, grabbing their sweaters, and finally celebrating along with your performers.

This show is most effective if there can be some kind of reference to a mountain prop to help set the scene. Even a large back drop with a mountain painted on it could do the trick. Or you can get more intricate by covering a set of scaffolding to create a climbable “mountain” on the field. In the third movement, a large white fabric can be pulled out from the prop to signify the blizzard “white out” and can be used by your color guard and/or band members in a visually interesting way.

This show was first commissioned by Pacifica High School for fall 2019.


  • Flute
  • Clarinet
  • Alto Saxophone
  • Tenor Saxophone
  • Baritone Saxophone
  • Trumpet 1/2
  • Mellophone
  • Low Brass 1/2
  • Tuba


  • Snare
  • Tenor
  • 5 Bass Drums
  • 2 Marimbas
  • 3 Vibes
  • Bells
  • Xylo
  • 2 Synths
  • 3 Auxiliary